800 Numbers

Alzheimer’s Association
  • 800-272-3900 National toll-free information and referral service.
American Cancer Society
  • 800-227-2345
  • 208-343-4609
  • AREA SERVED: State of Idaho (Boise)
  • PURPOSE: Information on different types of cancer treatment.
American Diabetes Association
  • 800-232-3472
  • 208-342-2774
  • 1528 Vista Avenue Boise, Idaho 83705 (Boise)
  • SERVICES: Information clearing house, support group information.
Portneuf Life Flight Helicopter
  • 800-237-0911 (24 hours)
  • Pocatello, Idaho 83201
  • AREA SERVED: Radius 180 miles of Pocatello as crow flies–includes Sun Valley, Ketchum, Hailey, Mammoth, and Yellowstone National Park.
  • PURPOSE: Emergency medical service, handles all types of trauma. Fly with advanced life support: pacemakers, respirators. The neurosurgeon on staff.
  • SERVICES: Two flight nurses respond for emergency transport; mobile intensive care unit. Staffed with R.N. and paramedic when responding to the scene of an auto accident. Staffed according to patient’s needs, including M.D. when indicated. Response time 5 minutes to lift-off. Flies with advanced life support.
  • SOURCE OF FUNDS: Run by the hospital.
Canyon View Hospital
  • 800-657-8000
  • 208-734-6760
  • 228 Shoup Avenue West Twin Falls, Idaho 83301
  • PURPOSE: Treatment center for alcoholism and chemical dependency. Staff is available for intervention 24 hours a day, seven days per week.
  • SERVICES: Adolescent care, psychiatric, chemical dependency, sexual abuse, eating disorders, adult, elderly.
Telehelp Child Abuse Hotline
  • 800-422-4453
  • Hollywood, California (24 hours)
  • PURPOSE: To provide counseling on child abuse. Counselors with M.A. or above provide counseling, information, and referrals to appropriate resources in the caller’s community. Crisis counseling.
Co-Ad, Inc.
  • 800-632-5125
  • 866-262-3462
  • 4477 Emerald St.  Ste. B 100 Boise, Idaho 83706 (Boise)
    • 208-336-5353
  • 910 Yellowstone #203
    • 208-232-0922
  • Pocatello, Idaho 83201 8-5 M-F
  • PURPOSE: To promote and advocate and protect people with disabilities.
  • SERVICES: Protection and advocacy for developmentally disabled, mentally ill, individual rights, assistive technology, beneficiaries for soc. security, traumatic brain injury, voting accessibility, and a client-assisted program.
  • ELIGIBILITY: Must call directly and talk to the office. FEES: None
Crisis Center of the Magic Valley
  • 800-882-3236
    • 800-262-2463
  • AREA SERVED: National
    • www.phoenixhouse.org
  • PURPOSE: National treatment and referral and information service. Will assist anyone with a drug problem.
  • SERVICES: Provide eligibility interviews to determine those in need. Will refer the caller to a treatment center in his/her area. Will refer the caller to support groups.
  • ELIGIBILITY: In person to determine eligibility.
  • FEES: If the caller has no money, the hotline can refer him/her to a treatment center in the caller’s area which will take him/her.
Community Action Agency
  •  800-627-1733
  • P.O. Box 531 Twin Falls, Idaho 83301 8-5 M-F
    • 208-733-9351
  • AREA SERVED: Twin Falls, Blaine County
  • PURPOSE: Provider of emergency services to low-income people and energy assistance.
  • ELIGIBILITY: Low income. FEES: none
Drug Hotlines
  • 800-262-2463 Phoenix House
  • 800-524-7277 Marijuana
  • EXECUTIVE: State Department of Law Enforcement.
  • AREA SERVED: State of Idaho.
  • PURPOSE: Sponsored by the Psychiatric Institutes of America.
  • SERVICES: Treatment and support group referrals in the local area are provided.
Idaho Energy Hotline
  • 800-334-7283
  • Boise, Idaho 8-5 M-F
  • AREA SERVED: State of Idaho.
  • SERVICES: Information, and provision of pamphlets on energy conservation. Technical assistance. Some low-interest loans for energy conservation.
  • SOURCE OF FUNDS: Federal.
    • www/energy.idaho.gov
Facts of Lifeline
  • 800-342-7890 (24 hrs)
  • 208-342-7890 (24 hours, ADA Co.)
  • EXECUTIVE: Planned Parenthood of Idaho–for more information about the line and its topics call Planned Parenthood at:
    • 208-345-0760
  • PURPOSE: Provide a 24-hour, toll-free phone number to provide confidential information to answer questions concerning the sexual health of individuals and families.
  • SERVICES: A recording answers the calls and asks the caller to pick a subject from a library of more than 100 tapes. Callers never have to identify themselves. Tapes last 2-4 minutes.
  • FEES: The calls are toll-free, but the caller must have a touch-tone telephone to select a tape.
Father’s Advocacy Information
  •  800-722-FAIR – REFERRAL (F.A.I.R.) (Recording)
  • VEPCO Office Building
    • P.O. Box 389 Camden-Wyoming, Delaware 19934
  • AREA SERVED: Nationwide.
  • PURPOSE: Assist non-custodial divorced fathers with “visitation interference” problems (not allowed to see children they have a legal right to see), custody, support, and visitation problems.
  • SERVICES: Will mail an informational packet to the caller.
Highway Emergency in Idaho
  • 800-233-1212
  • REDDI (Report Every Drunk Driver Immediately)
    • 208-334-2900 (Office)
  • PURPOSE: To assist in major accidents, and highway emergencies and to take reports of drunk drivers.
Idaho Drug Information Center
  • 800-334-7139
  • PURPOSE: To provide information on all kinds of drugs; including side effects. No drug abuse referrals or poison control information.
  • HOW TO APPLY: Call.
International Hospital
  •  800-321-5984 (24 hrs)
  • 303 N. Allumbaugh Boise, Idaho 83704 (Office)
    • 208-337-8400
  • PURPOSE: Mental health services, including depression.
  • SERVICES: Free problem assessment/counseling and referral contact.
Marijuana Hotline
  • 800-524-7277
  • Boise Regional Office/Twin Falls
    • 208-734-6807
  • EXECUTIVE: State Department of Law Enforcement.
  • PURPOSE: Sponsored by the Psychiatric Institutes of America.
  • SERVICES: Treatment and support group referrals in the caller’s area.
Missing Children’s Hotline
  • 800-843-5678
  • 1835 K Street, N.W., Suite 700 Washington, D.C. 20006
    • 9-5:30 M-F (EST)
  • Hotline staffed Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m.-11:30 p.m.; Saturday 10-6
  • AREA SERVED: U.S.A. and Canada.
  • PURPOSE: National clearinghouse for missing/and or exploited children.
  • SERVICES: Reports missing and/or exploited children to proper agencies. Assists parents in organizing searches. Works with local agencies.
  • ELIGIBILITY: Individuals reporting a missing child must have legal custody of that child.
  • FEES: None.
  • HOW TO APPLY: Call.
  • SOURCE OF FUNDS: Private, non-profit.
National AIDS Hotline
  • 800-342-2437 (24 hrs)
National Cancer Institute
  • 800-422-6237
  • 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 80892 (Recording gives a menu:
    • Dial 1 to talk to someone about a specific question. Dial 2 to request free publications.)
  • PURPOSE: To provide information on cancer. FEES: None.
  • SERVICES: Answers caller’s questions directly, or the caller can order publications for information.
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
  • 800-333-SAFE VIOLENCE 9-5 M-F (EST)
  • P.O. Box 15127 Washington, D.C. 20003-0127
  • AREA SERVED: Entire U.S.A.
  • PURPOSE: Serves as a clearinghouse of information about domestic violence, networks shelters, and programs for battered women and their children.
  • SERVICES: NCADV operates the only national toll-free domestic violence hotline. 1-800-333-SAFE is a 24-hour lifeline offering support and information about resources in the caller’s area.
National Institute of Justice
  • 301-251-5500
  • P.O. Box 6000 Rockville, Maryland 20850
    • 8:30-8 M-F (EST)
  • PURPOSE: Center for criminal justice information; do research and will provide training materials upon request; resource information and domestic violence, rape, etc. Will send publications upon request.
  • SERVICES: Nat’l Criminal Justice Reference Service:
    • 800-851-3420
  • Justice Statistics Clearing House:
    • 800-732-3277
  • Juvenile Justice Clearing House:
    • 800-638-8736
Support Group for Parents and Families
  • 800-222-4PMS
  • 800-222-4767
  • PURPOSE: To provide an informational newsletter six times per year. Physician referral and answer questions.
  • SERVICES: For $9.95 will send Physician Referral List for anywhere in the U.S.A. Also sends PMS information with the list.
    • 800-632-8000 (24 hrs)
  • St. Alphonsus Hospital State Communication Center Boise, Idaho
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